[SGVHAK] Batteries (Was Re: Repair Cafe and SGVHAK meeting this Saturday

Lan Dang l.dang at ymail.com
Fri Feb 27 15:32:01 PST 2015

Also,  I keep forgetting this,  but I believe the library is a collection site for used batteries and fluorescent light bulbs,  if you have been meaning to get rid of those. 

According to Duracell,  one can throw away their alkaline batteries in normal household waste,  but don't dispose of a whole bunch of them at the same time as that could pose a risk if live batteries make contact. 

also,  I have a bunch of used batteries that I can bring to HAK that might still be good for low-power things like TV remotes.  these are the batteries we replaced in the SCALE microphones every morning. 

I vaguely recall a video where you can make a "train"  of batteries and have them move thru a coiled wire.  if anyone knows how that works and can bring the parts,  we can see how long a train we can make. 

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

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