[SGVHAK] New Pasadena Arduino Meetup Group Starting

James McDuffie mcduffie at pitfall.org
Tue Oct 22 23:36:07 PDT 2013

If you went to the OpenX sponsored Hackathon earlier this year you may
have joined a Meetup.com group for it. The main organizer of that event
and Meetup group has left OpenX and the country (for greener pastures),
but a new guy has decided to take over the group. He is setting up a
meetup group called "DIY Projects with Arduino for Everyone (Pasadena
Robotics)" which he plans to host a hands-on Arduino class once a month
with provided materials. As well as 2 show-and-tells each month for
people who want to showcase any project they want. The group is still in
the planning stages and set up, but below is a link to the Meetup page
so you can join and get info when things get rolling.


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