<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0"><tr><td valign="top"><p>It was a very interesting meeting. Dave started building his chloride etcher controller and gave us a lot of info about his choice of materials and how it is put together. We learned from Roman that Southern California Edison owns a lot of telephone poles and running fiber is very time-consuming. John gave us some more details about Hardware Freedom Day, which will be 1-4pm at Tux-Lab on March 15th.</p>
<p>We started figuring out how we will build the air hockey table--let's route all the pieces out of a 4x8 sheet of 1/2-inch plywood and let the computer drill all the air holes-- and Steven volunteered to build the electronic scorer. Dave is donating a fan and had a lot of comments, one of which was to be careful about making sure the table doesn't wobble. Hopefully, we'll have more plans and a bill of materials before we get together to start building. We might be able to do some of the work at Hardware Freedom Day. </p>
<p>Here are the links again for the air hockey table and robot:</p>