[SGVHAK] Library reservations and Saturday HAK meetings

Lan Dang l.dang at ymail.com
Thu May 26 12:59:33 PDT 2016

Hi all,

It's about that time to renew the reservation for the Pasadena library meeting room.  
The reservation runs from July through June.

I do not intend on renewing the reservations.   

I do enjoy the Saturday meetings, but I am tired of having to schedule around that Saturday timeslot. Given my propensity lately for cancelling the Saturday HAK meetings, I am not the best person to host this meeting any longer.

I welcome anyone else to take this over. I recommend having more than one person responsible, so it's easier to coordinate if you are unavailable for a particular Saturday.  I can help you with the reservation form if you like.  They are taking reservation applications now.

If I don't hear anything by the June 25th HAK meeting, I will go ahead and cancel the rest of the Saturday HAK meetings on Meetup and update the website, accordingly.



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