[SGVHAK] Discussion plan for SGVHAK meeting Thu 7/21

Lan Dang l.dang at ymail.com
Wed Jul 20 23:55:34 PDT 2016

Hi all,

Reminder there is an SGVHAK meeting at Tux-Lab this Thursday at 6:30pm.  John's been doing pretty awesome demos of various projects he has in the works.


There are two items of administriva to discuss, for those who care.

* Dave and I will be discussing what to do about the monthly Saturday HAK meetings.  While we both enjoy the meetings, it is hard to commit to a Saturday every single month and we have scheduling conflicts.

* Greg, who some of us know from Repair Cafe, is coming to talk to us about the Altadena Library and their teen tech program.  The library bought 3D printers with the goal of introducing the teens to new technologies.  However, they don't seem to have been able to sustain interest in the printers, so they are rethinking their audience.  There might be a good opportunity for the HAK to become involved and it might make a good meeting place for our Saturday HAK.

If you're interested in either topic, I suggest you come to the meeting or speak up on the mailing list.  


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