[SGVHAK] Upcoming events, including SGVHAK this Thursday

Lan Dang l.dang at ymail.com
Tue Jan 5 23:37:06 PST 2016

Hi all,
Here's a summary of various events of interest for the month of January.

* We have an SGVHAK meeting this Thursday at Dave's workshop ( 11711 Clark Street, Suite 108, Arcadia, CA).  It runs from 6:30pm to 9pm, and we often head out to dinner at Carmine's around 9pm.  According to the Meetup comments, Stanley Hutchinson wants to do a show and tell about his patent.  Also, I was the beneficiary of Braddock's recent purge of various electronics.  I am bringing them on Thursday to disburse to other HAK members.  
* Also, Dave has been hosting  weekly "PIC Programming Class" on Monday nights starting at 5pm.  Despite the title, it's more like "Pick Dave's Brain Open Office Hours" where you can ask him about PICs, KiCad, OpenSCAD, 3D printing, etc. I've updated the Meetup description to be more descriptive.   Drop by if you have burning questions about these topics, want to learn something, or need advice on a project.  Dave always has something cool going on.http://www.meetup.com/SGVTech/events/227840107/

* Digital Developer's Disco, a Hypercube event at the Armory on Friday, Jan 15th, from 7:30pm to 11pm.  There will be interactive games and virtual reality.  RSVP on Meetup.http://www.meetup.com/hypercube/events/227775203/ 
* Beer Brewing class at Null Space Labs on Saturday, Jan 16th from 2pm to 6:30pm .  Class costs $20 unless you are already a NSL member.  Kit is ~$35.  NSL is near Cal State Los Angeles.http://www.meetup.com/NullSpaceLabs/events/227482899/

* The Southern California Linux Expo is Jan 21-24th at the Pasadena Convention Center.  It is $15 for the expo-only pass, or $42.50 (after using discount code SGVLG) for the full pass.  We will have a SGVLUG/SGVHAK booth at the expo from Friday through Sunday, so feel free to bring your projects to show and tell.  Hackaday will also have a booth there, if you want to visit them.

** Southern California Linux Expo Game Night is on Saturday, Jan 23rd, from 8 or 9pm to midnight.  If you're going to SCALE anyway, be sure to schedule time to visit the Game Night, which is sponsored by Supplyframe, the parent company of Hackaday.  There will be a lot of activities and exhibits, including a display of vintage computers and gadgets.http://www.meetup.com/Hackaday-Los-Angeles/events/227725946/

* Repair Cafe on Saturday, Jan 30th, from 11am to 2pm.  It's a great community event.  If you're volunteering, you should come around 10am.  The SGVTech Meetup event will be posted later. 

* SparkleCon 2016 at 23b Hackerspace in Fullerton on Saturday, Jan 30th, from 12pm to midnight.  It seems like a party with a lot of hands-on events, including robotic sumo battleshttp://www.meetup.com/NullSpaceLabs/events/227483562/
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