thinkndev at gmail.com thinkndev at gmail.com
Mon Jul 29 18:07:59 PDT 2013

If I had the money, I definitely would help you. South Pasadena is very travel-friendly and would encourage me to come by sgvhak more often. 

Braddock <braddock at braddock.com>이 씀:
>Hash: SHA1
>Hi folks,
>This may be premature, but...
>There are 300 and 400 sq ft office spaces available at 712 Fair Oaks
>Ave, South Pasadena.  Rough price is $600/mo (I assume for the larger).
>Google doesn't quite map this address correctly.  Here is the building:
>This is two blocks from my apartment.
>Would anyone be interested in renting this space with me?  I would be
>interested in splitting it with one or two others as full co-signers
>if they used it full time, or perhaps several people if they just want
>to use it on off hours.
>We could have HAK meetings there or general project space.  I'm not
>looking to start a hacker-space per se, unless someone else wants to
>do the legwork on that.  You can use my tools.
>I'm just gauging general interest right now.  I'm not certain it is a
>good time for me to start a lease (looking to buy a house, but that
>isn't going too well).
>- -braddock
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Sent from my Android phone with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.
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