[SGVHAK] Welcome to SGVHAK

Lan Dang l.dang at ymail.com
Fri Sep 21 00:48:45 PDT 2012

Hi all,

We had a great turnout for this first meeting.  I really enjoyed all the demos and discussions.  I will keep working on setting up a meeting for next month.

In the meantime, we need to get the website and some kind of wiki up so you all can write about or link to your project ideas, useful resources, etc.  I hope that will kickstart some fantastic discussion on the mailing list as well.  

If you missed the meeting, and you're not subscribed the the SGVLUG mailing list, here's the brief summary again:
We had a really good turnout for the Raspberry Pi and 
Other Devices SIG, which became the Hardware Hacking SIG, and now we're 
just going to be SGVHAK.  Don't ask what it's short for.

If you're interested in joining us, please sign up for the mailing list: http://sgvlug.org/mailman/listinfo/hak

We had a diverse group with some pretty cool project ideas.  We 
had some good discussions and people were able to show off their 
devices.  We ended the meeting around 9pm, and some of us ended up continuing our conversations at Hamburger Hamlet.

 are aiming to have regular monthly meetings on a Thursday night.  We 
are still trying to find a regular meeting place.  The proposed meeting 
format is 15 minutes to show stuff off, and then people can work on 
their individual or group projects.

Two announcements during the meeting:

 There is a grand opening of a 3D Printer Store/Hackerspace in Pasadena 
on Sunday, from 12-8pm.  It's on Hill St. near the 210 freeway. There 
was some talk of converging there around 4pm to check it out.

 I already posted about this: Rob Bishop from the Raspberry Pi 
Foundation is visiting Nullspace on Tuesday, October 2nd, starting 
around 7pm.  There is a wiki page where you can
 sign up, just to let them know how many people to expect.  


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